Complete! (ish)

Well, there's still bugs and stuff to flesh out, and our about page isn't up yet, and It's likely that I'll be shifting the colors around some more (since now we look like google fanboys), but for the most part, This is the new look of The Tartar Sauce! Let me know if/how you like it please, as I will actually listen.

You may notice a few - well a lot of new things, including that twitter link on the top, which is likey to change into something else, since Twitter is pretty lame. But as of now I have no idea of what to link there.

Our title is actually an image - once again done in MS paint. This is also likely to change. We need a logo, banner, or something there. If anyone with skill wants to send something in for us to use, then I'll probably use it, as it can't be worse than what's there now, that being Courier new bold. The image is 425x120 pixels, for reference. The Twitter link is an image too, 280x50 pixels, and that needs something too.

The one big drawback of this template (which I've already had to completely hack apart) is that it only shows the author on the post page, not the home page. So to see who wrote the post you'll have to click on the article link. I'm trying to fix it. Though I may just add a tag for each author. We'll see. I dunno, I should probably stop pointing out every flaw of the site, it's a good template, simple and clean, though not overly journalistic. There's comment rss feeds now, as well as more rss links.

I dunno, we'll see how it turns out.

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