Wiki of the Week: Wikileaks

Wikileaks is one of the best ideas for a wiki I've seen in a while. It allows users to anonymously publish leaks of sensitive information. This is awesome, browsing through the site you feel like a spy, there's a ton of stuff about crazy religious proceedings, under-the-table backhanded dealings. Email logs, manuals, membership lists, it's got it all.
There is one huge downside, though. Due to the shady nature of the content and people generally wishing it would go away, the site is not always up (like the last time I checked). During those times you can still browse most of it through google cache though, but it's a pain.
The site is responsible for a number of notable leaks including guantanamo bay operating procedures, a hack of sarah palins email account, and a bunch of scientology scandals.
Wikileaks main page (down)
Wikileaks main page, text-only google cache
Wikileaks on Wikipedia

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