New Writer, Japan, Piracy Week, Shifting, Awesomeness

Yes, so you may have noticed we have a new contributor to The Tartar Sauce: The Great Bobbicus is here to share stuff and articles and things, seemingly about games and the like, should be interesting.

This is -believe it or not- unrelated to the fact that our very own Jake may not be posting as frequently anymore. He's gone 13 hours in the future to Nagoya, Japan, where, in between sake bombs and DDR sessions he now takes time to update his Posts from Nagoya blog/journal that is on our blogroll, and I reccomend you all read religiously (which is a little difficult to do when the blog has no RSS feed (*hint*)).

Also, in celebration/observation/mourning of The Pirate Bay trial verdict, starting Monday will be Piracy Week here at The Tartar Sauce! Featuring rants, tutorials, info, essays, and (as usual) anything else we think is interesting about everyone's favorite internet crime! This is the first time we've done something like this (and you've seen how "weekly" our weekly posts actually are), so forgive us if this goes a bit rusty, but it should be fun either way.

And don't be alarmed if you notice some of the layout shifting around and new elements popping up, that's just me fucking around, trying to add some new functionality to the sidebar/making the site look halfway presentable/getting angry at blogger for being a POS.

Finally, an awesome thanks to you all for reading, and giving us a decent amount of traffic.
It's... it's all I live for....

1 comments :: New Writer, Japan, Piracy Week, Shifting, Awesomeness

  1. Just to clarify: I'm going to be out of the country until the end of August, so I'll probably be posting very infrequently for the next few months, but I'll be contributing regularly again probably starting in September. And I will definitely be posting for piracy week, since it's something I feel very strongly about. Also, I'd just like to say welcome to Bobbicus, and that I've enjoyed your first two posts.
