Summer of Fun

I'll get on with my incoherent ramblings about videogames and art and such in a bit, but first I have an apology to make to Backdoor: Sorry, dude. I left my desktop in storage. No Left 4 Dead for me this summer. Or any Follow Freeman Co-op action either. On the other hand, I think my netbook can handle some Serious Sam action, for which I would be totally down. Obviously, this means my summer of gaming is going to be strictly old-skool. Like, Cornelius Bear driving a yellow bus with Gothic Arches old school. So I've decided to use this time to play through some classics that are in my "pile of shame" that I never got around to finishing. Here's my playlist so far: 1) Planescape: Torment - Finished. This is the finest game to be released on any platform. Period. 2) Thief - Changing pace from RPGness to more FPSish action, should be grand. 3) Grim Fandango - I started it on a long train ride earlier and got stuck. I shall endeavor to finish it without a walkthrough, no promises though. I suck at adventure games. 4) Fallout - Yea, I've played it before. It's just that good. 5) Thief II - More thiefy goodness. 6) Sanitarium - A creative and very unsettling adventure game. 7) System Shock - Because I've never actually finished it, and I should. Then, I'm going to play it again. In French. 8) System Shock 2 - On Insane difficulty, going pure psyOps. Bring it the fuck on. 9) Homeworld - Exodus in Space. With explosions. Since my netbook doesn't have a massive hard drive (solid state and all that) I'm going to have one of the above installed at a time. However, variety is the spice of life, so I've also got Kohan: Ahriman's Gift, a brilliant strategy game, and the beta of Stardock's Elemental. In addition, there's some games that I'll be playing on my GP2x. Beneath a Steel Sky, Secret of Monkey Island, and The Ur-Quan Masters. Lucasarts adventure games are the bee's knees, especially with a touch screen. I'm goingto try and track down I Have No Mouth and I Must Screen for the GP2x, too. Expect pre and post playthrough reports on most f these - except Torment, which is going to be getting alot of attention soon in the "games as art" rantings.

1 comments :: Summer of Fun

  1. Dude, not cool. I think you secretly despise L4D, or playing video games with me.

    I can only pray that your desktop doesn't get shat on by a raccoon, or more likely, some idiot puts a desk on it all summer, and you've got a cracked motherboard come fall.

    Though your old-ass brick laptop could definitely handle some good shit, assuming you didn't leave that too. Civ 4, CoD 1, Q3, and I would of course be down for some serious sam co-op awesomeness.

    You know what I think I'm gonna do now? I'm gonna play Crysis, even though it's only mediocre, Just because I know you can't.