Lots and Lots of Awesome Updates

Sup everyone. I have a few announcements to make.
First of all... I'd like to welcome a new blogger to the Tartar Sauce! You've probably read his stuff before; his name is Julian Suhr, he writes the movie review blog Never Mind The Bats, and he's also done two guest posts for The Tartar Sauce. He'll be contributing various pop culture posts to our fine blog, and he's well versed on topics such as movies, music, and just awesome stuff in general. I'm really thrilled to have him on board; Julian and I go way back, and I know it'll be great to have him as a full writer for The Tartar Sauce.
Secondly, Andrew alerted me to the fact that one of my posts was quoted on the race and pop culture blog Racialicious. I'm thrilled, as Racialicious is a really good blog that I frequently read. The poster seems to be somewhat critical of what I said, but hey, it's free publicity, and I'm glad that our posts are contributing to larger discussions. And it actually means that people are reading this blog. 
Thirdly, I just want to say that I know I haven't made much of a presence on this site in a while, but there will be several new posts from me coming real soon. I've had lots of ideas for new posts recently, but haven't had time to actually write them, but it seems that now I'm starting to get a little more free time. So expect new posts on The Simpsons, Pokemon, and other topics in the near future.
That's it from me for now. See ya soon.

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