Wiki of the Week: LyricWiki

So you search the internet for such-and-such a song lyrics because you're just not sure whether that singer said "continental grape" or "oriental rape." You click the first link that comes along entitled, "such-and-such a song lyrics" and BAM! You're in one of the sketchiest places on the internet.

HTML banners flash around you, icons blink with links to "download "such-and-such" to your phone as the ringtone!" "Get unlimited access to over 450,000 songs to burn for you happy time!" "Link to this page and make money!" Firefox notifies you that it has just blocked 7...8..9..23 pop-up windows, and prevented the site from installing an add-on.

You glance at the URL bar only to notice the site's domain ends in ".ru." This is bad, very bad.

You panic, quickly select the text that looks like it might be lyrics, and run to your nearest word processor to safely past and read unharmed.

A quick keyword search reveals that it was, in fact, "oriental rape."

It shouldn't be this way, and it doesn't have to be.

LyricWiki is a wiki devoted entirely to song lyrics. They check all of their articles, and they are the most comprehensive lyrics site on the web with over 880,000 pages, so you don't have to worry about them not having what you're looking for. All kidding aside, it's a truly great resource.

LyricWiki actually made headlines a little while ago, when the big music industry publishers forced LyricWiki to shut down its API. What a bunch of fuckers, right? Well, at least the site is still up and useful.

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