Song of the South

Lordy, I have been nearly overcome with the amount of attention paid to my homeland in the videogame industry these past few weeks. First Valve announces that Left 4 Dead 2 is going to be set in the Deep South, with campaigns spanning Savannah to New Orleans, then I see that Bethesda's next DLC for Fallout 3 is going to be set in Point Lookout. I'm so happy about that I might forgive Bethesda for writing such shitty dialogue. Especially since you can get a coach gun. Wait... what's that you say? You can wear a War of Northern Aggresion relic?!? Instant win. I've always wanted to make a Lovecraftian survival horror game set in the Georgia marshlands. Maybe I'll actually get around to it one day. But until then, I'm going to be happy runnig around my ancestral stomping grounds blasting zombies to bits.

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