Time Waster: End Tyranny With Ultimate Crab Battle!

Sharks and lasers are always a good combination, right? What about a shark that you can ride, shoots lasers from it's eyes, and launches torpedo's? Sounds pretty damn formidable right? Not if you're facing a GIANT crab that can summon an army of swordfish, blast sound, electrocute everything, shoot killer eels out of its claws, shoot lasers out of a giant eye, summon a giant dude with a machine gun, shoot energy beams from a giant pearl, drain all of the water around you, and do it all while wearing a crown.
Ultimate Crab Battle is a huge, rediculously simple boss battle, where you ride around on your shark, trying to destroy this big-ass crab while it throws every crazy atttack at you that it can. The difficulty (and believe me, it's pretty difficult) comes in the sheer number of insanely powerful things the crab can do to attack you. The controls are really simple: arrow keys to move around, and "A" to attack. That's it. So the whole game you're constantly unloading with lasers, blasters, torpedoes, and missiles while trying to avoid getting hit by any of the crabs attacks. Your health bar is normal sized, the crab's health bar is CHRIST WHY WONT THIS THING JUST FUCKING DIE!!!!!!!!111!ONEEONEONE
It's really epic. And really fun. And pretty hilarious. And thoroughly awesome. Definitely a great way to waste time while you're waiting for sacrifice to download.

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