Cool Thing of the Week: Widescreen Gaming Forum Wiki

So I've mentioned once or twice that I own a netbook, and despite what all the "experts" say it is great for gaming. All you have to do is go back about 9 years and you have a great selection of classics. The thing is, back then widescreen monitors weren't common, so it's very rare for a game to have native widescreen support. While netbooks don't exactly have large screens, they do have a non-standard 1024x600 resolution, making everything looked squashed. Enter the Widescreen Gaming Forum Wiki. This wonderful site contains entries for hundreds of games, detailing if they are capable of widescreen support, what kind, and how to achieve it. For some it's a simple matter of selecting an option in the menu. Other games require registry hacks- which the site walks you through. Still others have had fan-patches made for them and the links are included. So if you have an older game that you're sick of looking squashed on your widescreen monitor, check this site out.

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