Another Blog Rides the Fail Train

Here we go again, me trying desperately to keep up and do a blog. I always thought it would be cool to blog, to have a blog. It's like having your own virtual soapbox with your own little following of people you don't know. All of them reading your thoughts and ideas as if they mattered. Putting your ideas in a feed reader or refreshing the page hoping you've come up with some new ones. The problem is I don't have that many ideas. It's more than that, I guess. I'm a pretty lazy guy. No really I swear. I do a find and replace to capitalize my I's because I'm too lazy to hit the shift key. There's a lot of other examples, but listing them would be too much effort. I also do stuff (despite my laziness), and what with college classes, parties, rehearsals, jobs, and general life, I'd often rather blow up shit in Call of Duty or San Andreas than spend time writing and thinking, even though I'd ultimately be happier if I wrote. Whatever. I've had two blogs before, the first was Back Door Life. I started it after High school during the summer. It actually did pretty well and I might recycle a few posts from there if this blog ever takes off. That one remains my most successful one. I knew what I had to do and I was pretty consistent with writing daily. After a while I had a decently devoted following and was keeping up with around 3 posts a day. I had some cool content. But then college hit and with all the new things I was experiencing along with seeking and making new friends, I just couldn't keep it up. So it faded away. My next blog was The Daily Century. Aside from this it is my latest. I still might update it if I come up any other funny ideas. The premise was once a day I would write a fake article about something in the tech world. Sort of like a geek-oriented onion, though I'd like to think I'm more original than that. Problem was I'm not that funny, and ran out of ideas really quickly. I still post to it every few months, but for the most part it's dead. It got no traffic. So I've tried and failed to write blogs. So why try again? Aren't I supposed to be lazy? Don't I suck at this? Well yea, but blogs are friggin' cool, and this time it's different. This time, I have four other people who have agreed to blog with me as a means of keeping in touch when we all part this fall to our respective colleges and dance tours. That means there are five chances for this blog to do well. And if other people are doing it with me then I'll be more motivated to keep up with it. It's also a great way to keep in touch since there's no official theme of this blog. We're all just gonna write. Though It'll probably have to do with multimedia or something since everyone blogging is the artsy fartsy type, but it doesn't really matter. As long as we have enough posts. well I've rambled enough, I'm exited about this and hope it stays a frequent and sweet way to stay together. And with a name like "The Tartar Sauce," what could go wrong?

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