Blogger Is A Piece Of Shit.

No really, it is. I promise. You might notice a few style changes happening around here. Most of them will be buggy. Some just plain won't work. Please excuse the shitty presentation while I sort things out. Why is blogger a piece of shit? Well among other things, what I've been trying to do for a bit is add post previews (aka "continue reading" links) to these wonderful, but longer posts we've been getting here lately. Unfortunately, blogger in all it's infinite wisdom, still doesn't have this simple feature, even though it's been requested over and over again for years now. If this were a wordpress blog it would be as simple as pressing a button, but nooooooo I had to mindlessly follow google and get a blogspot blog instead. So now I have to edit the template by hand and try to figure out what to do. My coding skills are mediocre at best, so bear with me during this construction time. In the meantime, if you're thinking of starting a blog of your own, might I suggest It's got way more features than blogger. And the developers actually care about what features the bloggers want. Update: So as it turns out there is no way to add post previews in blogger without adding "continue reading" links to every single post, regardless of whether or not it actually has more content. Bull. Fucking. Shit. I may have to resort to more drastic measures and we're still doing some switch arounds with the interface, but just wanted to get that out there. Thanks again.

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