You May Have Noticed, I am a Genius

As you may have noticed, I figured out how to create expandable post previews on selected posts (which Blogger does not allow and no current coding effort allows selectable previews). This is a feat others have only been able to dream of until now. I did it not through coding, I didn't find a tutorial, I didn't watch an instructional video, and I didn't douse myself in chemical X. I did it through simple ingenuity, creativity, and the immense power of my infinitely resourceful mind. Genius.

Actually I just used a different version of the the "about page" trick, same one I used for creating the about page at Brain Grains. Basically I created two posts, one post with the preview and link to the second post. The second post contains the actual article. You might notice once you go to the expanded article that it is dated September. I dated it back to keep it far from the front page, and arbitrarily chose September as the expanded page month. so actual full articles will all be dated September, which will be weird until the Blogger team gets off their googly asses and creates post previews for selected posts. In the meantime I can still keep track of the real post date by using the previews. So a little bit of strangeness in post dates, but whatever. It's simple, works well enough, looks good and I'm happy and will update the other posts with the new previews when I'm less lazy.

So there you go. Crisis averted. Genius. Well maybe not, but at least we have post previews now.

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