It's Official, We're Official!

Hey all! Big milestone here at The Tartar Sauce. I finally got around to getting us a domain with email and everything! So if you go to, it should bring you right to our home page!

Don't feel left out if you're already subscribed to our feed or already have us bookmarked though, within a few days (it can take up to 3 days to fully switch over), any link from will redirect to our new domain, and until then the blogspot address should still be fully functional.

All of our writers now have fancy "" email addresses, and our new site address that you can use to email us tips, complains, suggestions, or whatever is! Of course, our old one still works, but as soon as I get our contact sidebar info up, why would you use it?

We also have a parent company now (since a company was required when I signed up the domain), Spreadable Media, which, at this point, is only exiting to me since it doesn't really exist yet or affect anything.

Thanks for your support in making this possible, you awesome readers you. Let's hope this is the beginning of something great. Domains are the fucking shit!

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