Web Clips for 7/25/09

Ugh, franchises. Why can't this one just die already? Please vote with your wallet; stop swallowing this shit and begging for more.

The new Nvidia Drivers are out. This is the first release that actually fixed the Left 4 Dead skipping issue for me. The new ATI Drivers are out too, if you've got one of those.

Speaking of Left 4 Dead, playing recently I noticed a TON of servers with this new campaign. I haven't finished it yet, but it's pretty fun, if a little blatantly repetitive. I'm glad a mod is getting so much attention, even on the Valve servers. I also saw some servers with this campaign too. It seems players are taking it upon themselves to provide the DLC everyone was whining about.

A High Definition remake of a game is a good idea in theory. I dare you to complete just one line.

I read a lot of GTD, lifehacks, and different self/life improvement type stuff. A lot of it can be helpful, but there's definitely some bullshit in there.

1 comments :: Web Clips for 7/25/09

  1. I did that exercise with the paper, and I have to say it works.

    After three hours, two pens, and dozen pages of scratched out sentence fragments, I finally wrote a phrase which caused my heart to swell with emotion -

    "Write New-Age bullshit and post it on the internet"

    I wept.