Web Clips for 7/30/09

Text messages are a massive rip-off.

The Autofocus system, for those who want to GTD without GTD.

A bookmarklet that feigns IE6, and breaks websites.

From here, the only funny part:
"You step blinking into the blinding white light. All is new and the opportunities are endless. The vast wilderness of the Internet lies stretched before you, beckoning you, enticing you with its untold possibilities. All that remains is a name, a handle, the very essence of definition for the blank slate that IS...you. It can not be overstated, the significance of this ac...oh, you've picked CockasarusRex...well, that's good too."

Left 4 Dead 2 box art story.

Hack people way too easily (though not remotely) with a U3 flash drive.

Yes, things are coming, namely a review of some sweet L4D community maps. Of course, I've got to play the shit out of them all first.

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