I'm back, with some Synthosaurus

I'm ending my little break from the blogging, and plan on returning to a schedule of some sort (coincidentally, the next couple of days might be busy for me.... but other than that....). This is "Teens in Love, in Space" by The Synthosaurus, aka Brendan McGuigan, who does a lot of different synth-dance/awesome stuff. He's on MeFiMusic, if you'd like to keep up with his work. I'm not sure if I want to continue doing my daily web clips. They're maybe too easy, and seem to be polluting the site. They give me the opportunity to say, "Hey Me, do you maybe want to do a substantive post today?" "Well, I already did web clips, I think that'll be fine." Maybe I'll make it a weekly thing and figure out something else to do daily, though I'm willing to keep them daily if people like them. Let me know what you think. Anyway, I come back with more experience and some new ideas for posts, that I'll be getting out there soon.

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