Reputable Sources: TechCrunch Fail

So, I was browsing around these here internets, when I came across an article over at TechCrunch (read it). If you could call it that. It was 4 paragraphs long. The writer was complaining whining, saying that Firefox 3.5 kept crashing on him. He then assumes it's happening to everyone else, and then shit-talks Mozilla, saying they really need to fix this issue.
Wait, he doesn't really assume it's happening to everyone else before doing research and figuring out if it's true, right? Of course not, he writes for TechCrunch, so he's gotta be on his game. Right? Of course! So as proof, he posts this image, which shows six people over 2 days complaining of Firefox crashes. Six people in the entirety of Twitter.
He says Firefox crashes for him, "when I have too many tabs open (like 15 or 20, which is not unusual for me towards the end of the day)."
Erm, ok, lets see how many tabs I have open now .....47. Really? yea, proof, click and see:
Yup, I use around 40-50 tabs daily. Firefox has never crashed for me. But of course, that's not proof of Firefox's stability, it's just me. And I wouldn't generalize and rant about it on a reputable website for no reason.
And here's the kicker, straight from the article, "I’ve been patiently waiting for the crashing to stop as Mozilla releases patches and updates. And I’m on a developer build, so maybe I’m just asking for crashes."
Yes, yes you are. Why would you assume everyone else is having this issue when they're using a completely different browser. Nobody's really using the developer builds, especially not the people you cited as users of Firefox 3.5.
Geez, even 5 seconds of googling got me to this support page. I doubt the writer has tried any of these methods, but instead chooses to whine. He's most likely using some useless and memory hogging add-on that's causing it. Also notice the number of people who had the same problem: 69. 69 people reporting crashes for a browser with millions of users.
Honestly, though, this isn't what annoys me. If I got ticked off at every single guy whining on the internet about software, then I'd probably kill myself.
What annoys me so much is that this guy writes for freakin' TechCrunch, one of the hugest technology sites out there. These guys are supposed to know shit, and have some sort of professionalism, and they're supposed to be reputable. But then why the fuck is this guy whining about his own bullshit on the main page?
Honestly, I have a lot less respect for TechCrunch. It depresses me that they can get away with this and still be seen as trustworthy. I dunno, I've always been more of an Ars guy anyway.

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