Awesome Song of the Week! "Moon is Mine" by The Pillows

You know what it's time for.

If any of you are at all familiar with Japanese rock, you probably know The Pillows. They're probably the most influential J-Rock band of all time. (Must resist temptation to make a Kanye joke.) It's easy to listen to The Pillows and think that their music is really straightforward, so it's sometimes hard to really understand what a profound influence the Pillows have had on the Japanese music scene, but if you listen to nearly any J-Rock band from the 90s onward, you can hear traces of the Pillows' music.

This particular song is one of my favorites by them. The melody is epic, soaring, and really energetic, but at the same time just a little melancholy. And then there's the obligatory one English lyric about outer space. Seriously, just about every Pillows song has one bizarre English lyric in it (such as "I wanna be a gentleman" or "I won't call you scarecrow"), and a lot of the time that one lyric is about outer space (such as in "Ride on Shooting Star"). This also leads me to one of my favorite things about the Pillows: a lot of their lyrics make absolutely no sense. Some bands are known for writing lyrics strictly for their sound, rather than their meaning, and the Pillows are one of those bands. Which means that their lyrics always sound awesome.

Anyway, yeah, that's pretty much it.

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