Web clips for 1/31/10 iPad™ Edition!!!!!

Meet the iPad™. It's a magical and revolutionary device. Magical....really? is it really magical?

It's certainly popular.

Everything is certainly abuzz. Even Pee-Wee's got one. MadTV predicted it.

But it's probably not magical. Yea, not magical. What I notice is that it's priced at $500 for the base model, with just 16GB of storage. The 64GB model brings it up to $700. You can buy 2 fairly powerful netbooks for that price. And at least they'll have USB, Flash, and a 160GB hard drive. 

And no flash. Looks like Apple hurt Adobe's feelings. To the extent that they supposedly "played the porn card." Though that turned out to be just an employee making a joke.

It seems it's a bit like Obama.

People certainly have great expectations for it. They say it's going to kill the Kindle. The accessory market is gonna explode. Google had better watch out. It'll jump-start the job market. And it's even going to change the way kids grow up. Really. it's just that cool. I hear it'll also give you a blowjob if you buy the app.

But seriously people, where are our priorities?

With all of this controversy flying around, I'm reminded of just one thing.

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